University of Arizona

August 1990 to August 1991

Earned M.S. in Management Information Systems with a 4.0 GPA. Emphasis on database systems analysis and design. Designed frameworks for strategic business systems planning. Designed and implemented a LAN. Studied data communications and operating systems in detail.

Developed prototype database applications using SQL/DS, CSP, and QMF on VAX. Designed and implemented expert system and AI concepts using OPS5 and LISP. Studied manufacturing strategies of facility location and layout, company-wide quality control and JIT theory.

Masters thesis was a study of information retrieval and processing methods of hypertext users that involved protocol analysis and GOMS modeling of the ‘human-computer interface.’

Studied management, implementation and use of electronic meeting systems, especially GroupSystems and electronic Joint Application Design. Guided group projects to successful completion using formal and indirect authority; working closely with specialists in other areas.


Pima Community College

December 1988 to December 1989

Earned B.S. in Business Administration with a 4.0 GPA. Studied business law, economics, accounting, finance, marketing, and statistics. Worked closely with project teams to meet requirements and deadlines.


University of Phoenix

thru June 1990

Earned A.A.S. in Programmer/Analyst with a 4.0 GPA. Certified to teach (Regular A.1.b) business administration and computer information systems at the community college level.

Programmed in Cobol, Pascal, Assembly Language and Basic. Developed applications using systems analysis and design methodologies studied in detail (e.g., an application used by the college to monitor ratios of part-time faculty to the NCA).